
ผู้วิจัย/Authors: Deborah Wan, Chief executive Officer

ชื่อเรื่อง/Title: Vocational Rehabilitation Services for People with Psychiatric Disabilities

แหล่งที่มา/Source: The 2nd International Conference on Mental Health and Substance Dependence 2003. Page 96. (19-21 August 2003 The Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok Thailand.)

รายละเอียด / Details:

The Mew Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association is the pioneer in providing comprehensive rehabilitation services for people with psychiatric disabilities. It operates 6 sheltered workshops and one supported employment service serving 920 persons daily and it is now moving towards integrated approach, combining both sheltered work and supported employment to better serve the clients. Through a diversified work training programed, clients are assisted to develop their potentials and moved upward in work capability. These diversified work training are real work situations, either in the form of cleansing and maintenance work in public parks, swimming pools, indoor games halls etc. or in the form of real business as convenience stores at hospitals, vegetable and fruit stalls in markets, restaurant and catering service etc. For those who are trained in the indoor work centers, a variety of job orders are received such as letter shopping, printing, logistics etc. In addition, self-produced products are made in the indoor work centers such as woodwork, sewing etc. Recently, one work center offers catering training for people with mentally handicapped is a newly set up music café. A newly developed vocational rehabilitation service is the setting up of a small business which is self-sufficient provided with a capital grant and a new business called cultural kiosk is established at a public park in this year.

Keywords: psychiatric rehab, service, vocational rehabilitation services for people , psychiatry

ปีที่เผยแพร่/Year: 2003

Address: New Life psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, Hong Kong

Code: 0000956


Country of publication: Thailand.

Language: English.

Category: Paper.

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